Monday, December 3, 2012

Is it really December?

You guys, is it really December? Down here in Louisiana the weather is very unpredictable. It is nearly 75 degrees when it should be around 50. I won't lie, I am loving it! I'm just saying it's not your normal Christmas weather. Instead of running the heater, we are running the air; and instead of jackets, we are barely wearing long sleeves. The bible is surely fulfilling. You can not tell the seasons except for by the budding of the trees. Whether it's hot in December or not, those leaves will still continue to fall from the trees. And that is the only thing that links these seasons together. This is suppose to be that time when you get your extra cuddly time with your special someone. Does Christmas really seem like Christmas to you all? The times have changed and people are definitely not like they used to. In my closing, take that extra time to show someone love.

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