Sunday, December 2, 2012

Hello All!

Hello everyone! I've missed you all. Can you believe it's been months since my last post? Surely I've been thru the storm and the rain but yet I rise as I stand taller than ever. I'm yet loving my family and my life. As you know, I was in school but I had to withdraw bc of so many circumstances. I'm back again but this time I am enrolled in Early Childhood Education so I can do what I really love: teaching. It comes first nature to me and I just love the kids. My daughter is so bright that she can even tell you who the president is. Oh yea, congrats to that! She can tell you more than an average 3-yr old knows. During my time away from cyberspace, I enjoyed working at a daycare near my home. For that reason, I knew exactly what I should be doing without a shadow of doubt. Whatever touches your heart is what you should be found doing. There's so much joy for me in seeing a child learn and want to strive to be the best they can be. Parents, encourage your children. Love them. When they fall, pick them back up. My daughter just told me the other day, "Mom, I want to be a doctor." Unbelievable! And you wanna know her reason? Simple but profound. She wants to help people!! My child!! Lord! Thank you! People, stay with your kids. Let them know that they are special and can be anything they put their minds to. They really are our future.

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