Monday, December 24, 2012

Matthew 1:23 Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.

It's Christmas Eve Morning

Can you all believe that Christmas is here? It really doesn't seem like it. Time has brought upon a change and not many people get excited as they used to. Me personally, well I couldn't wait til December came in so I could put up the tree and place my awaiting gifts. Gosh! Christmas eve!! This year is coming to an end very quickly and hello 2013. Let's praise God now for Christmas eve and for Christmas in advance. So many did not make it up to this day. There were a couple of people that I knew quite well who passed just last week and the week before. We never know when our number will be called so let's celebrate life and Jesus Christ's Birthday.

Tis the Season

Tis the season to be jolly and merry. Tis the season to be even kinder to a stranger. Tis the season to help someone. There are so many ways to bless someone that it isn't hard to do at all. My friend girl started her own tradition of making fruit baskets and food boxes every year@Christmas time. She doesn't even let obstacels stand in her way. Last year, she was unemployed at Christmas but still somehow managed to buy my little girl a bicycle and give my parents a box full of food plus a fruit basket. Now that is love and also sacrifice!! If you really wanna be blessed, that's what you have to do sometimes. Take yourself out the picture and come up with a way to give to others. I guarantee you God will reward you double for it, if not more. My friend doesn't do these things looking for a favor in return. Instead, she does it because it feels right and it makes her feel proud and joyous to see that amazing smile on others' face. What will you do this season to bless another less fortunate than you? I'm aiming at randomly paying for another's grocery in the grocery store. You know, like who's ever in front of me. I may just say something like "oh, I got it" and refuse to let them pay but say the priviledge is all mine. Please let me do this one thing. Yes! I think that is definitely it. I will get back with you on stories about that. So tell me, what are you planning? Maybe someone may ask you for a ride and you just tell them "No charge" this particular time and Merry Christmas. Maybe you'll visit a stranger in the hospital or nursing home and tell them about God's love or maybe you'll just visit a family member that you haven't made time for lately. Whatever you do, just do something and help someone.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Christmas Gifts!

Love on a rainy day

Sitting in my bedroom with my laptop at hand; It's raining cats and dogs So I'm trying to get under this man It's one of those days Where I call it "Love on a rainy day" So what do you do? Snuggle up closely with the one closest to you There's no need to go out And no need for phone calls So stick in a movie And vibrate all your calls This time is one to give to your love Rest, hold, and appreciate one another Realize that there is no other place to be But right in the arms of the one who loves you Rain drops keep drippping at my window Fall rain fall Continue on this day As in my husband's arm I lay

Monday, December 3, 2012

Is it really December?

You guys, is it really December? Down here in Louisiana the weather is very unpredictable. It is nearly 75 degrees when it should be around 50. I won't lie, I am loving it! I'm just saying it's not your normal Christmas weather. Instead of running the heater, we are running the air; and instead of jackets, we are barely wearing long sleeves. The bible is surely fulfilling. You can not tell the seasons except for by the budding of the trees. Whether it's hot in December or not, those leaves will still continue to fall from the trees. And that is the only thing that links these seasons together. This is suppose to be that time when you get your extra cuddly time with your special someone. Does Christmas really seem like Christmas to you all? The times have changed and people are definitely not like they used to. In my closing, take that extra time to show someone love.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

It's that time again

Well, "the tree" has finally come up. My baby could hardly wait so she is exstatic. It was a family thing and we enjoyed every moment of it. Tis the season to think of someone else and not just you yourself. Place someone in your mind this day and do a random act of kindness...just because. Light up someone else's life for a change. Give an extra word of support or encouragement. Don't charge someone today for giving them a ride to work or just say to someone "I got it." Then watch how God bless you. I'm telling you, it's a chain reaction. You could even adopt a child this season. All that means is put that special down on your Christmas list and shop for them as if it were your own child. Yes I know; charity starts at home so I've already went out and done it. I'm not finished yet. Open the door of your own bondage and free yourself by making a simple sacrifice for someone else. A lot of times we think we are broke or doing bad, but then we find out that there are always others who are worse off than us so please, stop complaining so much. No one wants to hear that ALL THE TIME. You are blessed and don't even realize it. Other people wish they had a portion of what you do but you still wishing you had more. Drop off a plate to some hungry person and see what that does. It will mean more than anything else to them. To help is an amazing feeling that can not be wrapped up in enough words. Don't take my words, just do it.

Making money from creating apps!!

Wow! You will not believe this one but you must read.

Click Here!

HTC One x

My husband and I got this phone a few months ago and it is incredible! He has the black one and I have the white one. The apps are unlimited and so amazing. Technology has advanced so much these days. I even have an app for my online education. I don't know which is my favorite but I must say I love the Bible app. GPS navigation is also a good one because if you are like me, you are not good with directions. I have to travel somewhere a few times before I get it right. This app is precise and to the point. The HTC One X also features a coupon app which I haven't used and it shows me where to find the cheapest gas. If you have not gone out and gotten it, please do! It is worth it! My husband has endless ringtones and he was never one to email and all that, but he's found his way around with this phone. There is also "start talking." It's an app that allows you to speak words that it inputs in a text message for you. It works really well. So what am I saying? Get the phone! You'll be glad you did!

Hello All!

Hello everyone! I've missed you all. Can you believe it's been months since my last post? Surely I've been thru the storm and the rain but yet I rise as I stand taller than ever. I'm yet loving my family and my life. As you know, I was in school but I had to withdraw bc of so many circumstances. I'm back again but this time I am enrolled in Early Childhood Education so I can do what I really love: teaching. It comes first nature to me and I just love the kids. My daughter is so bright that she can even tell you who the president is. Oh yea, congrats to that! She can tell you more than an average 3-yr old knows. During my time away from cyberspace, I enjoyed working at a daycare near my home. For that reason, I knew exactly what I should be doing without a shadow of doubt. Whatever touches your heart is what you should be found doing. There's so much joy for me in seeing a child learn and want to strive to be the best they can be. Parents, encourage your children. Love them. When they fall, pick them back up. My daughter just told me the other day, "Mom, I want to be a doctor." Unbelievable! And you wanna know her reason? Simple but profound. She wants to help people!! My child!! Lord! Thank you! People, stay with your kids. Let them know that they are special and can be anything they put their minds to. They really are our future.