Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Find all your employment needs right here on ODesk.com

Hire me on oDesk

What's in your (mini) fridge?

Monday, December 26, 2011

Well Christmas 2011 is officially over and now the countdown for 2012 has begun. I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas holiday and gave lots of love. In the midst of all the food and gifts, don't forget the true meaning of Christmas and never leave out the C-H-R-I-S-T. Jesus Christ is the reason for the season. Without him, there would be no Christmas. Love and be loved

Saturday, December 24, 2011

It's Christmas Eve everyone! Can you believe it?? Well a very Merry Christmas to you all and a Happy New Year. Love one another

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Shouts out to the best mother n this world on her birthday today. I love you mom with everything within me. You are the greatest!!
She's a mother like no other. Always there to give and never ever complain. Mother is always upbeat and never ever lain. She gives freely and never says "No." My mom will make sure she offers you something before you walk out that door. She's the sweetest woman on this earth. I thank God for the day my grandmother gave birth. I couldn't have gotten through this life without a mother of such. She's always believed in me and has given me so much. Well mom, Happy Birthday and a many many more. May the good Lord bless you richly and chase all your troubles right out the door. I love you mom. Yours truly, Shirnette S
Rain, Rain, Rain. It's such a rainy day. Sorry kids. No fun and play outside today. So let the fun and games begin on the inside. Shall we? Okay, let's play.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Just wishing everyone a goodnight on tonight.
Hi everyone! I had a minor setback for a major comeback and I'm back in full swing now....giving all honour and praise to God Almighty. Hallelujah anyhow!!!!! So how's everybody doing? Getting ready for the holidays I'm sure. Wow! Christmas is almost here. Count those blessings and count them now. Cherish every day and every moment you have in this life and let someone know you truly appreciate them. Until next time, be blessed. "Smith"

Friday, December 16, 2011

ODesk.com: Virtual World "For clients and contractors"

Stop By Anna's Linens Today


Wonderful Gifting Ideas

Hey everybody, don't forget to check me out also on my other blog. See what else is going on at http://familyliving-ssmith30.blogspot.com

Thursday, December 15, 2011



Try Anna's Linens for all your home needs.


This is more than just home and entertainment, it's living. Check out ODesk.com for all your job needs because we all need $$$$. Here, small business can hire, manage, and and pay remote contractors as if they were in the same office. In other words, if you are looking for a legit, stay-at-home job, look no further.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Justin Bieber's new fragrance,"Someday." This perfume is not only for the young women, for those of age as well. It is a wonderfully, light-scented fruity & floral fragrance. You'll enjoy the mixture of berries and summer flowers as well. Justin has definitely outdone himself again. As Justin is full of passion and energy, so is "Someday."

Just thinking

Just sitting here thinking how truly blessed I am. No weapon that is formed against me shall prosper (Isaiah 54:17). So to anyone out there feeling like they just can't go on or it's you against the world, I encourage you to turn it over to Jesus. He will definitely work it out. Don't give up! Whatever you do, please don't give up. Someone's out there looking up to you and wanting to be just like you. Hang in there. I promise you the storm won't last always and ofcourse your darkest hour is just before day. Your sun is slowly beginning to peek out from behind the clouds. Now you can smile again.
God loves you!

Unbeatable low prices!

Friday, December 9, 2011

And more links...



A Must Read

Has anyone ever wondered about the unborn babies that never received a fighting chance? Have you ever thought about their small voices being heard or their silent cries? Let them grow up to be the child that God wanted them to be. *A must read!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Tis the season

Tis the season to be jolly and to be thankful. What are you thankful for this season? Are you showing appreciation to those whom you love? Why not count all your blessings right now and let someone know how much they truly mean to you. Don't wait til a person gets down and out or sick to let them know how you feel. And if you've done someone wrong, apologize now while there is still breath in your bodies. There is no better time than now to get it right. So let's just all rejoice and be glad for the season as we look to a brand new year.
Remember, count those blessings!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

"Just giving him thanks"

It's Sunday morning and I'm just thanking God for another day. I'm thanking him for my complete health and strength. He gave me not only a portion, but all of it. I am thanking my God for what lies ahead for me and all my endeavors. I pray for you all as well. Everyone who enters my site or world of cyberspace shall be blessed. I pray you feel God's anointing and receive his power. May you all have a wonderful day, in Jesus name.