Friday, January 20, 2012

Need cash and a job? Ever tried virtual jobs online? How about with Elance? Give them a try. You won't be sorry plus you'll thank me later. So allow me to say "You're welcome" now.
Hi everyone. What's the scoop? How's everyone doing now-a-days? Well if you're doing good, then keep pressing on. And if you're struggling, then still keep pressing on. Reach for all your goals and dreams this year of '12'. If there's anything you've been contemplating on, now is your time to put it into action. Believe in yourself even if no one else does. You are a star so you better shine!!
 We love Anna's Linens.

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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Hello everyone. School is back in session so now I have to hit it again. This is currently my third semester enrolled at Florida Tech Online. It's a great school; however, they don't offer a full management degree. Therefore, I'm majoring in Business Administration with management as a minor until I switch to a "Just-as-good University." I am definitely looking forward to walking down that aisle to receive that Bachelor's. It is my dream. Up against all odds, but yet I rise. So I say to anyone with hopes and dreams, "Don't give up." Believe in yourself first and then someone else will see that, and they too will respect you and believe in you as well. Remember, with God, all things are possible. Just do it!!!! I know you can!!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Goodmorning everyone. How is the new year coming for you so far? Have there been great changes or is it the same o' same o'? Well as for me, I am declaring that 2012 is my year! It is my year of prosperity and peace. It is my time to overcome all obstacles and push towards a brighter future.....a better NOW. Best wishes to you all in this brand new year. Be safe, be blessed, and remember to love one another. 