Friday, January 4, 2013

The New Year!

Hey my peeps! It's the New Year! What are you thankful for? What are you planning on doing differnt this year? Are there any major changes? Mine is just to enjoy life more and cherish the times I have with my precious family. Life is short and death is sure so be sure to spread peace, love, and joy and always thank God for allowing you to see another day. Whether you know it or not, believe it or not, he is the REASON and the only REASON. Show him your gratitude and thanks today.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Matthew 1:23 Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.

It's Christmas Eve Morning

Can you all believe that Christmas is here? It really doesn't seem like it. Time has brought upon a change and not many people get excited as they used to. Me personally, well I couldn't wait til December came in so I could put up the tree and place my awaiting gifts. Gosh! Christmas eve!! This year is coming to an end very quickly and hello 2013. Let's praise God now for Christmas eve and for Christmas in advance. So many did not make it up to this day. There were a couple of people that I knew quite well who passed just last week and the week before. We never know when our number will be called so let's celebrate life and Jesus Christ's Birthday.

Tis the Season

Tis the season to be jolly and merry. Tis the season to be even kinder to a stranger. Tis the season to help someone. There are so many ways to bless someone that it isn't hard to do at all. My friend girl started her own tradition of making fruit baskets and food boxes every year@Christmas time. She doesn't even let obstacels stand in her way. Last year, she was unemployed at Christmas but still somehow managed to buy my little girl a bicycle and give my parents a box full of food plus a fruit basket. Now that is love and also sacrifice!! If you really wanna be blessed, that's what you have to do sometimes. Take yourself out the picture and come up with a way to give to others. I guarantee you God will reward you double for it, if not more. My friend doesn't do these things looking for a favor in return. Instead, she does it because it feels right and it makes her feel proud and joyous to see that amazing smile on others' face. What will you do this season to bless another less fortunate than you? I'm aiming at randomly paying for another's grocery in the grocery store. You know, like who's ever in front of me. I may just say something like "oh, I got it" and refuse to let them pay but say the priviledge is all mine. Please let me do this one thing. Yes! I think that is definitely it. I will get back with you on stories about that. So tell me, what are you planning? Maybe someone may ask you for a ride and you just tell them "No charge" this particular time and Merry Christmas. Maybe you'll visit a stranger in the hospital or nursing home and tell them about God's love or maybe you'll just visit a family member that you haven't made time for lately. Whatever you do, just do something and help someone.

Friday, December 7, 2012